Been out to dinner lately with friends?….that $100 you spent will feed one of our orphanages for an entire week! Just think: your donation provides nutritious food so our girls can truly thrive.
Your $300 donation supports an orphan girl for an entire year – clothes, school uniforms, book fees, medical help, everything she needs.
You can send an orphan girl on to higher education and a real future with a $1,000 scholarship. Will she be a computer engineer, doctor, nurse, office manager? You can set her on that path.
Your donation will be remembered in a very special way: outside our orphanage is a Path of Prayers, stepping stones with the names of all those who contribute $3,000. Each night the girls “pray” the stepping stones for you.
Make a one-time donation in an amount of your choosing ($50 minimum). Suggested donation range $50 to $100.
Donate on a monthly basis. Suggested donation range $25 to $100.